Wednesday 21 December 2016

Movie Review: Rogue One

Before I begin, I am going to say that if you do not want spoilers for Rogue One, do not read past this point. But if you have already seen the movie, or don't care too much about spoilers, then read on. There won't be major spoilers, but some minor ones in my brief beginning synopsis, hopefully. So, with that being said, lets get on with the review.

This weeks movie is one long anticipated by many people, as told by the audience to me. Rogue One is about the story of getting the plans for the Death Star, happening just before Episode 4: A New Hope in the Star Wars movie series. It is a story that intrigued me as well because we see Leia giving R2D2 the plans, but we never hear how she got them except people died to get it. To finally have that history brought to life would be exciting to anyone who has watched the series.

The movie starts with the traditional "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..." but then does something different. It doesn't show the Star Wars logo with scrolling text, but instead goes right into a shot of a planet with a starship flying towards it. We then see a young girl running across a black field with an Imperial ship in the background. She runs into a house saying that they are here. We learn this is a young Jyn Erso (played by Beau Gadston) and in her home is her mother, Lyra Erso (played by Valene Kane) already hurriedly packing up things along with her husband, Galen Erso (played by Mads Mikkelsen). Jyn runs to her room and starts packing as well. Lyra makes a call to Saw Gerrera (played by Forest Whitaker) telling him that they have arrived. Galen takes a minute to talk to Jyn and explain how that anything he does, he does to protect her and never to forget that, and how she will always be his Stardust. Lyra then takes Jyn away through the back of the house while Galen goes out the front to meet the man walking out of the Imperial ship.

The man turns out to be Orson Krennic (played by Ben Mandelsohn), a high ranking Imperial Senator. He makes small talk about Galen being a farmer and how lonely it must be. Galen lies and says it is even more so since his wife died. While that is happening we see Lyra and Jyn running along the back. Lyra stops and talks to Jyn while giving her a necklace saying that she should always trust the force. She then tells Jyn to keep going while she turns back to help her husband. Just as Orson orders a Stormtrooper to go search the house, Lyra comes running down the fields yelling that he will not take Galen. During all this Jyn has decided to sneak back to where her parents are and hides in the tall grass to see what is going on. She watches as Lyra shoots and wounds Orson but gets shot herself and dies. Orson then orders the Stormtroopers to find Jyn, so she runs. In a cave she opens up what looks to be a rock but is in fact a hidden bunker and climbs in. She stays there for a while until Saw finds her. All of a sudden, an older Jyn (played by Felicity Jones) wakes up in a cell from the memory dream she just had.

The acting was so full of emotions. The actors were able to take the audience on a full ride and really bring the story alive. The way that Felicity Jones portrayed Jyn was outstanding. She not only rose to the challenge of holding the lead of a major movie, but worked well alongside the other actors as well. Not only did the actors portraying the new characters shine, but I have to give some real praise to the people who had to take over the roles of already beloved characters. Like Guy Henry who replaced Peter Cushing in the role of Grand Moff Tarkin, or the cheers for Inguild Deila stepping in to play a younger Leia for Carrie Fisher and looking amazing doing it. This means I also must give a 2 thumbs up to the make-up department for bringing this magic back to life.

The story plot is hard to go into without delving into too much detail and risking major spoilers, but I just have to say that it is so well done. Not only does it take us through character development in such detail that we can't help but fall in love with the characters, but it doesn't slow down the story to do it. There was a great pace to everything with wonderful action, story line, and even humor that not once are we left feeling like we are missing anything. As a matter of fact it is so well done that you could take your Star Wars newbie friends to this movie and they will not feel lost. The writers out did themselves with the producers and director making the vision come to life. But be warned about this mini spoiler, you will probably cry around the end of it, so bring some tissues if you can.

Overall, the actors did amazing jobs as their characters, with many funny and involving moments as well. Though some moments I could live without, not saying what, it was still a very great movie. So, for the reasons stated above, I would rate this 9.5/10.

Since it is the holidays and we are on a Star Wars theme this post I am going to leave you with a gift.

For those who have already seen it this will be a fun replay, but for those people, like me up until now, that are watching for the first time, beware. This is a VERY cheesy but fun watch. It is one of those things that is so bad it is good.

I would like to thank Kurt Flesher from Country 97 The Wolf for introducing me to this Christmas special while waiting for Rogue One to start. My family had a ton of fun and laughs watching it.
Without further interruption from me here is the Star Wars Holiday Special.