Wednesday 30 September 2015

Movie Review: Hotel Transylvania 2

My little sister was so excited when she found out that I was going to review another animated movie. She is currently seven years old, so I thought it would be a good idea to take her along to get her opinion of the movie as well as mine. However, because she is seven, she didn't have much of an opinion to tell me besides "It was awesome!", however I appreciated the thought. But anyways, here's my review of Hotel Transylvania 2.

The movie starts with Johnny (voiced by Andy Samberg) and Mavis (voiced by Selena Gomez) on their wedding day, where we get to meet Johnny's human family who join all of the other monsters from the first movie. From there we move to one year later, where Johnny tells Dracula (voiced by Adam Sandler) that Mavis wants to go on a bat fly with him. After playing around together in the clouds, she tells him that she is pregnant.

The story from here leads to one of Adam Sandlers better works in and on a movie. His child like humor fits the story line of a father trying to hold on to his little girl and grandson. There is so many parts in the story that had both the children and the adults laughing, making it a good movie for the whole family to watch. I also liked how it took the learning of tolerance a step further from the first movie. I would have like to have seen a few more adult moments in the movie but, like I said, it's an Adam Sandler written and performed movie, so I knew it wasn't going to all be there.

As for the voice acting, I think they found the right guys for the job yet again, but that helps when you know the people you are working with well. Actually, I think some of the actors perform better in stuff like this than when they have to do the live action movies. They have such a good use of their voice talents that was hidden until you watch them in an animation like this, where it directs you to the character on screen.

Overall, I, and the many kids at the theater with their parents, enjoyed the movie and had a lot of good laughs with a few touching moments. If they go for a 3rd movie, I would like to see the grown-ups be a little more grown up. For these reasons I would rate it 7.6/10

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