Monday 6 July 2015

Movie Review: Terminator Genisys

So as I am new to the Terminator movies, I decided to get into the franchise by watching the newest movie first. I probably would have watched the first four movies before going, but because of the move I couldn’t watch either of them. So, I hope you enjoy this review by someone who hasn’t seen the first four movies, even though I probably would have if I hadn’t have been moving.

The movie starts with Kyle Reese (played by Jai Courtney) narrating his childhood and how everything was horrible until he was saved by John Connor (played by Jason Clarke) and joined the resistance against the robots. Years later, as the resistance is killing off the robot army, they destroy the core of Skynet (which caused the whole robot invasion thing), but not before they send back a terminator (which is a CGI version of young Arnold Schwarzenegger) to kill Sarah Connor (played by Emilia Clarke), which is a throwback to the first movie, but the timelines have changed and now Sarah has a terminator of her own, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The acting was pretty great, especially in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s part playing the terminator. I actually think he could be a robot at some point and I wouldn’t know he was one. For almost everyone else, I probably would have reacted differently in their situations, but otherwise very good in their parts.

I thought that the story plot worked well for people who haven’t seen the other movies, or for those who have had nothing to do with the franchise until now or at all. It really went well with all the different characters and how they fit in with the story plot. While they all did well with portraying their characters, I think there was just maybe a little bit too much unrealism in which they get all the things they have in the movie, which is basically out of thin air.

Overall though, I would rate this movie 8.7/10 for great story plot and acting, but not so much for not actually knowing how they get the stuff they use and a little for how some of the actual robots and terminators act about some things.

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