Thursday 2 April 2015

Movie Review: Home

First of all, I would like to say that I was looking forward to this movie as soon as I heard that Jim Parsons was going to be one of the voice actors. I am a big fan of his work in Big Bang Theory and personally, I kind of relate to his character in the Big Bang Theory, Sheldon. We both think of the world differently than others. We both sometimes think of cool ideas that others don’t understand. Basically we both have brains that are different from others.

This brings me into Home, the DreamWorks animated movie about aliens invading our planet. Well, actually it’s about an alien race called the Boov (actual name and spelling) living on earth abducting humans and putting them in a special town where they all live in “harmony” with the Boov.

The two main characters, Tip and Oh, are being hunted down by the other Boov because Tip (voiced by Rihanna) is a human looking for her mom, and Oh (voiced by Jim Parsons) is a Boov that has made one too many mistakes. The voice acting was actually pretty accurate, especially in Jim Parsons sake because he made the character feel relatable and funny the only way he could.

The story plot was actually pretty good, giving you some parts that seem funny and other parts that might bring you to tears. But my favourite part of the movie would probably be the end. I can’t spoil it for you, but I can say that it might change everything you might know about the Gorg (yes, that’s the other alien species). It has great themes on bullying and being yourself but it was a little simple for me.
Also, the soundtrack was actually one of my favourite soundtracks ever. Rihanna and Jennifer Lopez lend their voices to some very thought provoking songs. I am disappointed to note that my favorite mini song from Jim Parsons is not included.

Overall, I would rate this movie 8.7 because of the story, character growth and soundtrack. I would have liked some of the plot to be a little less simple but it all still worked out great in the end.

Oh, by the way, check out this YouTube video of Jennifer Lopez singing live on American Idol the title song in the soundtrack called “Feel the Light”. It is pretty epic. 

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